Monday, September 12, 2011

Face Lift

We really want to repaint the exterior of our house. And by we, I mean my husband and I. But the actual painting will most likely be left entirely up to yours truly. After all, I'm the only one to ever lift a paint brush/roller in the interior of both our current home and our first home (turned rental). Plus, one of my first jobs was as a painter. AND I'm home all day with the little man. So I've been taking snapshots of neighborhood homes that are inspiring on our stroller walks and I'm also stalking Pinterest. I'd really like get er done before the snow falls and preferably while the weather is still pleasant, so time's a wasting.

Source: None via Cassidy on Pinterest

I love this color scheme but we're leaning towards green as the main color.
I'd also like to hang house numbers like this and I'm trying to decide if I should paint the decking/railing or leave it au natural.

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